
The Second International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering - ICMIE


November 10th – 11th, 2005


Our conference program can also be downloaded as a Word file here.


Thursday, 10th November:


Room BN 205, 11.30 – 13.30

          Moderator: Professor Florin Dănălache, Ph.D




 - Increasing overall performance through organization development

Radu Stanciu - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - The phenomenon of power in organization

Elena Fleacă, Elza Sztojanov -  POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Ethical behavior and social responsibility in business

Gheorghe Militaru - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest,
                Daniel Şerbănică
- Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest

 - Development of the goals of the organizations

Sorin Ionescu - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Two models used for relating and managing the risk and return of a portfolio of securities: CAPM & APT

Mihai-Dan Gârbea - WBS Holding S.A.

 - Globalization phenomenon and limits of economic policies

Constanţa Partenie - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Theoretical methods of project risk management

Doina Corina Şerban - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - A transnational corporations (TNCs) technology assessment: viewpoint on investment foreign policy

Arthur Dambischi - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - The enthropy criterium for a sequential decisional process

Domnicu Băbuş - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest


Room BN 205, 14.45 – 17.30

Moderator: Professor Radu Marinescu, Ph.D.


- Decisional support in industrial product development process management

Sorin Cananau - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Organizational reengineering - a new managerial challenge

Romeo-Mihai Ciobanu - “Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi

 - Getting human resources more efficient through motivation-persuasion in order to ensure sustainable development

Mihaela Dumitrescu, Cristian Kanovits POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Managing investment banks and other types of banks

Elza Sztojanov - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Relationships within organizational socio-structures

Elena Fleacă - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Market research for determining the briefing needs for civilian population on preventing and limiting the consequences of accidents caused by dangerous substances

Anca Alexandra Purcărea, Lucia Sandovici, Florin Dănălache POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Marketing within digital era

Cristian Niculescu, Claudiu Adrian Purdescu POLITEHNICA

University of  Bucharest

 - The role of the financial audit in the enterprise’s management

                Anca Mădălina Bogdan - “Spiru Haret” University of Craiova

 - A holistic approach for business process management system

Aurelian Mihai Stănescu , Daniela Comeş POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Public management based on performance

Gheorghe Adamescu - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
             Doina Crişan Habean
- Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest




 Room BN 212b, 14.45 -17.30

          Moderator: Professor Sorin Ciurea, Ph.D.




- Environmental pollution in Maramureş region

Lidia Cristea - Romanian University of Science and Arts

“Gheorghe Cristea” Bucureşti

 - Materials' recycling, component of sustainable development

Alexandru Gabor, Iosif Tempea - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Rapid prototyping from sustainable development perspective

Carmen Gabriela Băcilă - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Radu Călin Băcilă - National Guard Environmental Protection –

Commissariat of Cluj

Zoltan-Gabor Baki-Hari, Horea Ioan Băcilă

 - Integration of the environment protection in the energetic politics, in the context of sustainable development

Roxana Pătraşcu - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

Adriana Pribeanu - CEPROCIM S.A., National Institute of Cement

 - A mathematical model for the “algae blooms” phenomenon

Laura Ungureanu - “Spiru Haret” University

 - The energy economics and sustainable development

Daniela Cristina Momete -  POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest




Room BN 212b, 11.30-13.30

       Moderator: Professor Sorin Ionescu, Ph.D.




- From Certification to TQM and Excelence

Ion Hohan - FiaTest

Ana-Maria Ionescu - IRECE

 - Effectiveness of ISO certification in construction companies

Marina Stoian - Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest

Nafees Ahmed Memon - Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan

 - Linking quality management systems with contractors’ improved quality performance

Nafees Ahmed Memon -  Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan

Marina Stoian - Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest

 - Possibilities to estimate the educational services quality

Dragoş Mihai Ipate, Iuliana Pârvu - University “Spiru Haret” Constanţa

 - Setting-up and derivation of organisational quality objectives

Doina Constantinescu - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

Alexandru Tomescu - Centre for Tech & Industrial Co-operation, Bucharest




 Room BN 230, 11.30-13.30

        Moderator: Professor Corneliu Radu, Ph.D.





- Holistic modeling framework for designing e-collaborative virtual enterprise

I. Dumitrache, A.M. Stănescu, A. Curaj, S.I. Caramihai POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Study on higher qualified labour market needs, in romanian IT&C industry

            Cezar Scarlat - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

            Alexandru Borcea -  ARIES

            Mariana Mocanu, Paul Svasta - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

- Innovating regions in Europe: co-operation and partnerships between the world of business and science as an instrument for enhancing innovation

Andrei Szuder - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - The importance of creativity in business innovation

Cătălin-George Alexe, Cătălina-Monica Alexe, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

- Micro-nanotechnologies modern management

Radu Dumitru Marinescu, Florin Dănălache, Iuliana Grecu, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest



Room BN 230, 14.45-17.30

 Moderator:  Professor Cezar Scarlat, Ph.D.


- Entreprise management and social politics in unified Europe after the European Constitution ratification vote

Marc Richevaux - l’Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, France

Doina Corina Şerban - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - U.S. intellectual property policy and the strategic management & development of an IP portfolio

Chinh H. PHAM - Greenberg Trauring, LLP, U.S.A.

 - Mis flexibility management in network organizations

Mieczysław L. Owoc, Marek Skwarnik - Institute of Business Informatics,

Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland

 - The analysis and increase of business processes efficiency in a customs organization

                T.A. Mazurova - Taganrog  State  University of  Radio Engineering, Russia

                E. V. Chulanov - Deputy of customs post GDPP Uspenskaya head, Russia

                N. K. Pisareva - Taganrog  State  University of  Radio Engineering, Russia

 - Business organization health monitoring & improvement

T.A. Mazurova, C.B. Richards - Taganrog State University of Radio

Engineering FCMA,  United Kingdom

 - Information management – its role in the information society

Petr Doucek - University of Economics, Prague

 - IS/ICT management reference model – open issues

Ota Novotný  - University of Economics, Prague




 Room BN 202, 11.30-13.30

         Moderator: Professor Anatol Carabulea, Ph.D.





- Optimization models for energetic systems in evolutionary algorithms approach

                A. Carabulea, C.Florescu, C. Bălăşoiu, P.Tănase, F.Sişak

                POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Braşov, Craiova

- Inferential hardware – software configurations for expert systems applicable to power engineering

Anatol Carabulea, A. Purcărea POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Dust emissions reduction by modernizing the electrostatic precipitators of units 7 and 8 of 315  Mw

C. Bălăşoiu, C. Diţescu, I. Ilie, A Ghene - Energetic Company Craiova

 - The projection of special system for communications of the atipic organizations with special character targeting the preservation of the statistic and informational flux of decision

Dumitru Vintea - Transilvania University Braşov

 - Is it important to develop a branch for energy  production

M. Dumitrescu, M.A.D. Popa POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Managing risk in the energy business

Ghe. Militaru, C. Petrescu POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Selecting criteria and indicators at the interface points between participants to the electric power market – an application of the risk management

A. Popescu, M. Stein, D. Anastasiu, F. Micşan – ISPE Bucharest

 - Energetic systems management reengineering

I.Mocanu, C. Mocanu – Romanian Firms Bucharest




 Room BN 202, 14.45-17.30

       Moderator: Professor Anatol Carabulea, Ph.D.





- Control of dreissena polymorpha and biological fouling in once through cooling systems   

S. Mărciulescu, D. Zotică - Nuclear Company Romania

- Reliability growth of the pipe lines system by taking into account the statistical analysis

N. Nicolescu, F. Zamfir, L.Lupescu, I.Rad – ISPE  Bucharest

- Considerations regarding the quality and quantity aspects of the human reliability

A. Carabulea POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, L. Lupescu – ISPE

 - Sustainable Development of Nuclear Energy in Romania

                S.C.Valeca, D.Popescu - University of Technical Sciences – Piteşti

 - Energetic systems neurofuzzy control

            D. Rada, D. Şendrescu – University Craiova

 - Safery excellence – a new approach in nuclear power plant management

M.Şerban, F.Tătar – Nuclear Company Romania

 - Some aspects concerning risk management in energy systems

M. Dumitrescu, M.A.D. Popa - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

- C.E. marketing - industrial passport to U.E.

S. Ungureanu – Economical University of Bucharest  

 - Customer relationship and the competition market

R.S. Şerban, G.V. Raduti – Romanian Firms Bucharest

 - Aviation versus environment

               G. Ţară – International Airport Bucharest


Friday, 11th November:


  Room BN 230, 9.30 -11.30

          Moderator: Professor Radu Stanciu, Ph.D.





- Aspects of sustainable transportation development

Vasile Dragu, Aura Panica - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Enviromental management and lasting development

Sorin Ciurea - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Optimizing a hybrid solar/wind system taking into account sustainable development

Mihaela Dumitrescu, Mihaela Popa, Cristian  Kanovits

POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Management of environmental professions

Gillich Gilbert-Rainer, Potoceanu Nadia, Ghiţiu Ioan Adrian,  Eftimie Murgu University of Resiţa

 - Business environmental responsibility in the hotel sector

Azilah Kasim – University Utara, Malaysia

Cezar Scarlat - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Managing the environmental impact of the hospitality industry – in the context of sustainable tourism development

Azilah Kasim - University Utara, Malaysia

Cezar Scarlat - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - The economical implications in the environmental management

Gheorghe Solomon -  POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

Ileana Soare - S.C. CALIT-EO-RUM S.R.L




 Room BN 212b, 9.30-11.30

         Moderator: Professor Doina Constantinescu, Ph.D.





- Services quality - basis of the services management

Cătălina-Monica Alexe, Cătălin-George Alexe, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Improving the designing process

Trincă Mariana - SC Management Consulting System

 - Quality customer service – a key to successful business

Anca Alexandra Purcărea, Lucia Sandovici, Dan Dumitriu, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - The website quality challenge: part of software service quality

Dan Dumitriu - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

- Index structures for quality and fiability within the audiovisual communication systems

Cristina Lascu – Romanian Television Society Bucharest

 - The culture of quality – the essential condition for the institutions involved in changing management

Florica Popa - National Institute for Sport Research




 Room BN 205, 9.30-11.30

         Moderator: Professor Lucia Sandovici, Ph.D.





- Information technologies intends for managerial assistance

Laura Ştefănescu - Spiru Haret University

 - The economical agents and the informational society, in expectation to a stable development 

Andy Ştefănescu - University of Craiova

 - The new paradigms of business management

Carmen Răduţ - “Constantin Brâncoveanu” University of  Râmnicu Vâlcea

 - The measurement of the form’s systematic organization of economic organizations

Domnicu Băbuş - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Information systems and the management of manufacturing companies through PDM-ERP model

Sorin Cananau - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Some aspects concerning e-commerce for small and medium-sized enterprises

Nadia Potoceanu, Rainer Gilbert Gillich, Codruţa Hamat "Eftimie Murgu" University of Resiţa




 Room BN 202, 9.30-11.30

         Moderator: Associate professor Mihaela Dumitrescu, Ph.D.





- Maintenance management reengineering applying to energy systems

I. Mocanu, C. Mocanu – Romanian Firms Danubiana Bucharest

 - Energetic efficiency by right dimensioning of the forced circulation cooling tower afferent the unit of 315 Mw

C. Bălăşoiu, C. Diţescu, I.Ilie, A. Ghene - Energetic Company Craiova

 - Knowledge management and the agile enterprise

S. Ungureanu – Economical University of Bucharest

 - New concept for energy saving in sustainable development systems

M. Dobrin – Romelectro Firm Bucharest

 - A marketing study on the introduction into the process of production, the industrial use and the economic efficiency of the thermoinductive heaters

B. Costache, V. Vajaeac - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Les systčmes de management pour la responsabilitč sociale

S. Ionescu POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

 - Risks communication and communication risks in energy systems

I. Mocanu, C. Mocanu – Romanian Firms Danubiana Bucharest

 - Electric equipment reliability estimation based on Markov chains for energy systems development

Rada Doru – University of Craiova



 The Workshop


 Room BN 230, 12.00 - 14.00


                  Moderators: Professor Anca Alexandra Purcărea, Ph.D.
                                Associate Professor Dan Ardelea, Ph.D.